It's going to be a great year! Be sure to visit the Angel Wing Project (in production) outside our Art room. The project is a school-wide collaborative art project based on the work of artist Colette Miller, a Richmond born artist and filmmaker
From her website:
Colette Miller created the Global Angel Wings Project in 2012, in the streets of Los Angeles, the City of Angels. They were painted to remind humanity that we are the angels of this Earth. They are human-sized interactive public art: wings that people interact with, photograph and share with friends. Colette has painted these wings in Kenya, Australia, England, Japan, Taiwan, France, Cuba, Mexico, and throughout the USA. Though the wings are her provenance and work, their public installations are Colette's gift to the world.
Our verision of the Angel Wing project will be installed for at least 4-6 weeks. Every student in school, some of the teachers, and even Dr. Barber created a feather for the installation. I shall be taking photos of the students in front of the wings throughout that period to use for a variety of projects (one for each grade) during this school year. Feel free to visit and take your own family photos during that time 😊
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