I am so excited that our school has added a full day Pre-K program this year. They come to me Tuesday mornings, bright and early, for 30 minutes. I thought I would share one of our first projects of the year. The students worked very hard for two weeks to create these.
We started the lesson last week with cutting skills: a quick check to see who knows how to hold scissors and who might need a little help. NOTE: A huge THANK YOU to my friend Maureen who told me to put a happy face on thumbs so they can be reminded to keep the thumb on top when cutting (BRILLIANT!) Strips of paper made cutting easy to do...SNIP SNIP SNIP...soon we had confetti. Lots and LOTS of confetti to use for the second day of our project.
This week we began by identifying shapes, talking about what told us a rectangle was a rectangle, a triangle a triangle, etc. Using a white crayon, each student drew his/her favorite shape on black paper. The shape was filled in with confetti from last week.
I'm sure you can imagine that some of my friends made more than one shape and that was okay. All seemed to enjoy the activity and we were able to touch on multiple skills in the process. I'm pretty excited to see how much they can do: cut strips, identify shapes, and draw shapes.